Grammar Details
One-Word Substitution
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
" rows="6">
One-Word Substitution (Answer In One-Word)
1. A person who always looks at the bright side of things.
(One who believes that good things will happen.)
Optimist (आशावादी)
Ex. He is an optimist.
2. A person who always looks at the dark side of things.
(One who always expects that bad things will happen.)
Pessimist (निराशावादी)
Ex. Don't be such a pessimist!
3. A person who walks on foot (especially in an area where vehicles go).
Pedestrian (पैदल चलने वाला)
4. A person who drives a car or other road vehicle.
Motorist वाहन चालक
5. A woman whose husband is dead.
Widow (विधवा)
6. A man whose wife is dead.
Widower (विधुर)
7. A person who believes that God exists.
Theist (आस्तिक)
8. A person who believes that there is no God.
Atheist (नास्तिक)
9. One who knows everything.
Omniscient (सर्वज्ञ)
Ex. God is omniscient.
10. A person who speaks on behalf of an individual or a group. Spokesperson (प्रवक्ता)
11. A person who has had a lot of experience of something.
Veteran (दीर्घानुभवी)
12. A person who helps the poor, especially by giving them money. Philanthropist (समाज-सेवी/परोपकारी)
13. A child whose parents are dead.
Orphan (अनाथ)
14. A person who enters another country to live there permanently.
Immigrant (आवासी)
15. A person who visits a place for pleasure, especially on holiday.
Tourist (पर्यटक)
16. A person who travels a long way to a holy place for religious reasons. Pilgrim (तीर्थयात्री)
17. A woman having more than one alive husband.
Polyandry (एक से अधिक पति रखना)
18. Spoken or done without any preparation or practice.
Extempore (बिना तैयारी के)
Pronunciation - एक्सटेम्परी
Ex. an extempore performance, an extempore speech
19. A decision or an opinion in which all the people involved agree.
Unanimous (एकमत)
Pronunciation - यूनैनिमस
20. Done, made, or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do something.
Voluntary (स्वैच्छिक)
21. The act of killing yourself.
Suicide (आत्महत्या)
22. Something that is certain to happen.
Inevitable (अटल [जो टल न सके])
Ex. Death is inevitable.
Wrinkles are inevitable.
23. Something that is clean and Safe to drink.
Potable (पीने योग्य)
Ex. Is tap water potable?
24. One who is present everywhere.
Omnipresent (सर्व-भूत)
Ex. God is omnipresent.
25. Something that is out of date (no longer in use).
Obsolete (अप्रचलित)
Ex. Obsolete words
***The End***
Yogesh Kumar 29-07-2020 07:41:51 am
Very good mam
Tinu taral 29-07-2020 04:46:27 pm
Please give the pdf
Vijay kumar Jakhar 01-08-2020 08:51:35 pm
Please give me pdf
Satendra Kumar 02-08-2020 05:35:39 am
Anjali 02-08-2020 04:30:21 pm
Ur all videoes 👌
Gaurav kumar 03-08-2020 10:10:56 pm
Monir 04-08-2020 03:24:32 pm
I want pdf
Gurpreet 06-08-2020 01:18:23 pm
I m very exited for learn English
Gagan 08-08-2020 01:29:06 pm
Rajesh sharma 11-08-2020 11:13:48 pm
thank you for learning
Deepa pandey 12-08-2020 07:15:16 pm
Mohd Zafar Ansari 14-08-2020 12:08:54 pm
I want pdf full English spoken
Harish singh 16-08-2020 04:35:00 am
I want pdf
Hemraj bairwa 20-08-2020 09:11:51 pm
Good mam kya bat hai good experince
Santosh parmar 28-08-2020 10:18:17 pm
Learn english
Kishore 13-09-2020 01:44:13 pm
I want join any course at learn spoken English
Anu Karsayal 17-09-2020 01:02:51 pm
Mam can u give notes
Anu Karsayal 17-09-2020 01:06:41 pm
Mam can u give notes
BHUT PARTH 22-09-2020 08:39:09 pm
Medam aap ALL TENSES ka PDF banayena plz
Pankaj gola 04-10-2020 04:26:24 am
I want notes
Pankaj gola 04-10-2020 04:27:12 am
I want notes
Shah sneha 06-10-2020 11:49:50 pm
Jeevan Kumar 10-10-2020 12:03:43 pm
10-10-2020 03:24:26 pm
Thanks Mam
Sarvesh 10-10-2020 03:24:59 pm
18-10-2020 12:44:51 pm
Vickylalsah 18-10-2020 09:24:24 pm
Thanks, you,mam
Vickylalsah 18-10-2020 09:34:17 pm
ABDULLAH MOHAMMAD 22-10-2020 11:42:36 pm
A million thanks to you
31-10-2020 05:36:08 pm
Vivek Bhala 04-11-2020 06:16:17 am
04-11-2020 11:07:36 pm
You are doing very useful videos .Thank you very much mam
04-11-2020 11:07:38 pm
You are doing very useful videos .Thank you very much mam
Mamali Patra 08-11-2020 02:43:58 pm
Really this video is very use full for us.Thank you very much mam
Bhoomi 10-11-2020 09:21:54 pm
Mam ap English Sikh Aarti hai na to main aapse mujhe English sikhani hai main aap bol rahi hai nahin free mein tumhen mujhe English sikhani hai aapse please please aap mujhe English sikhao yojna
Bhoomi dixit 10-11-2020 09:22:54 pm
Main man 8:30 classroom shuru Karti hun fix time hai aapka
Ravindra Kumar 14-11-2020 08:49:35 pm
Nice video
Afshan 16-11-2020 08:26:39 am
Your video is very good I need the pdf file I learn English your video
Palak 22-11-2020 07:21:20 am
Very good
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